As If You Need Evidence That God Truly Does Exist…


This is the story about how I sold my Specialized Dolce bicycle, which I had been trying to sell since I bought my Ruby at the beginning of September.  This is truly a remarkable story, so please keep reading, even though the subject may seem boring and lackluster.  I would also love it if you’d go back and read my previous entry entitled “My Ruby” before reading this story, as I will reference certain events I have already written about.


Today we were getting ready to leave for a beginner triathlon clinic being held at Warrior’s Path State Park in Kingsport, TN.  This is the exact same location where I experienced my first triathlon on Labor Day and where I met the woman from whom I bought my Ruby.  There was going to be a swap meet afterwards, so Donnie said “I have a good feeling about selling your bike today.  Let’s bring it to the swap meet.”  Of course that was a brilliant idea, so we loaded her up and off we went!  (*Star number one*)

Well, the clinic went long…REALLY long…so we left early (*Star number two*) and went to have lunch at Panera Bread. (*Star number three*)


As we were getting ready to leave, another couple came in and I recognized them from the clinic, so I went and introduced myself. (*Star number four*)  We chatted for a minute and then Donnie and I headed for the bike shop next door.  As we were leaving the bike shop, the couple was in the parking lot headed towards us.  She then said “Hey, did you guys go to Florida State?” I said “Yeah” and she said “We did too!  We saw the car with a bike on top and thought that might be you!”  (We have a Florida State Alumni frame on our license plate.) (*Star number five*)


So there we stood, in the parking lot, talking about FSU and our education.  It was then that I said “By the way, that bike on my car is for sale“.  Of course, I didn’t know she was actually interested in purchasing a road bike…But she was!  The size was what she needed and she said she had been looking at the Dolce! (*Star number six*)  So we got the bike down, went to the bike shop to borrow a pump and a helmet, and she took off in the parking lot.  She said she really loved it, so I told her what we were asking.  Her face lit up and said “That’s exactly how much my parents just gave me for my birthday!”  (*Star number six*)  


So she took my name and phone number and said she’d let me know what they decided later that day, since we were all headed to Johnson City for the afternoon.  I found her profile on Facebook, and noticed we had one mutual friend: a girl I had gone to church with and was in the same small group with when I lived in Tallahassee.  I couldn’t wait to ask her how they knew each other!


Well, not much later, my phone rang and I was so excited when she said she had decided to buy the bike!  We met up and made the exchange.  When I asked how she knew our one mutual friend, the color practically drained from both of their faces….they are cousins!  (*Star number eight*)  Oh my gosh I couldn’t hardly believe it!  What a small world!

We left without a bike on our rack, and they left with a bike on theirs.  There she goes…my beautiful Dolce.Image

The circumstances just amaze me.  God had his hand on this day from the start.  Consider this: *Star number one* – If we had decided not to bring the bike, we wouldn’t have sold it today.  *Star number two* – If we hadn’t left the clinic early, we would have missed an opportunity to meet these two wonderful people.  *Star number three* – If we hadn’t gone to Panera Bread for lunch, we would have never seen each other again.  *Star number four* – If I hadn’t approached them, we would have never met.  *Star number five* – We are all FSU alumni.  *Star number six* – My bike was the size, brand and model she was looking for.  *Star number seven* – Her parents had just given her birthday money in the exact amount I was asking for the bike.  *Star number eight* – Her cousin is one of my friends from Florida.

This day will live in my memory forever…just like the day I bought my Ruby.  So if you ever want to buy or sell a bike, go hang out at Warrior’s Path State Park, then have lunch at Panera Bread.  You never know what might happen!  God is good!